مميزات نظام النقل البري الدولي (التير)
For Customs
Reduce the normal requirments of national transit procedures
Reduces Physical inspection in countries of transit and the exhaustion of manpower
Protects the duties and taxes at risk which are guaranteed – up to USD 50,000 EUR 60,000 per TIR transport
Reduce the risk of presenting inaccurate information to customs administration
For The Transport Operator
Enables goods to travel across national frontier with minimum of interferences and delays by customs administrations
Reduces waiting tomes at borders.
Allow the use of simplified documentation
Avoid the need to deposit a guarentee covering the duties and taxes at transit borders
For International Trade
Encourage the development of international trade in secure and controlled environment
Enables siginficant economics to be made in transport costs by reducing delays in transsit
Facilitates international trade